Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hippies, Hippies Everywhere

The house is quiet and still. I'm enjoying my coffee and putzing around on the internet...all of the hippies are still fast asleep :)

Our friends, Katie and Jay, decided to make the long haul to NC to visit. I'm so freaking happy and excited! They arrived early yesterday morning after working all day on Thurs. and driving all night. After a short nap, the fun was ON! Swimming, listening to music, Jim and Katie playing the guitar, reminisicing, using our phrases that nobody knows the meaning of besides us, and so many, "I can't believe your here"s. Last night was Euchre, boys against the girls. I'm sad to report that the girls were defeated. Tonight we will have our revenge!!

On the agenda for today:
Breakfast, a trip to the beer store, looking around Greensboro, swimming, music, Euchre...basically making the most of the day, which reminds me that I need to get off of the computer and wake up all of the lazy hippies that are still asleeep...BREAKFAST!!!

Katie and Jay leave tomorrow, late afternnon, but first, we'll to head to the Hillbilly Hide A Way for brunch, then to the state park for a short hike and some more exploring of cool small towns in the area.

Next week, I start getting ready for the school year. Ths was definately an amazing way to end a fantastic summer.

1 comment:

Cupcake Mama said...

yay for friends! can you believe its almost time to start school?? if you have the time, i might need a pep talk so i know everything will be ok when aislyn starts school. she starts in about 2 weeks, and i still don't know who her teacher is or what bus route!! not to mention supplies. i can't wait to get that letter in the mail!