Saturday, June 2, 2007

How I became a mama of a rock star in training

I wish I could figure out how to put this in my profile...

That's my baby girl with her rock star idol, Jeff Tweedy. She absolutely loves Wilco! This picture was taken by Charles Harris at the Chapel Hill, NC show on March 5th, 2006. You can check out all of the pics that Charles took of Jeff and Lilac Rain that night at

In October of 2005, Lilac Rain attended her first Wilco show. That was in Ashville and was her 30th concert! We were about 3 rows away, and Jeff seemed to have a great time entertaining Lilac Rain for the song "Hummingbird." There was a review written about that show (

After her two experiences with Wilco, Lilac Rain definately wants to be a rock star. Her favorite expression to hear has been, "Rock on little sister" for the past two years now. All I have to do is say that as she's walking away, and she turns so slowly with the HUGE, dreamy smile on her face as it takes her back to the first time she met Jeff. She's gotten a few of her friends together, and sometimes we have overnight "band practice" at our house. I think guitar lessons are around the corner.

Our next Wilco show is coming up fast. It'll be on June 20th. Lilac Rain is excited (of course), but I have to keep reminding her that she may not get that special attention from Jeff everytime. She just gives me this look...almost a half "You're crazy! I'm too cute not to notice" with a quarter "WTF?!?" and a quarter of "Maybe she's right..." I'm trying to prepare her so her heart isn't broken when it happens. After all, even a 7 year old rock star can fall.


Cupcake Mama said...

Rock on little sister is right!! I think if Lilac Rain and Aisy Mae ever get together, they'll definately be "partners in crime"
Have fun at the Wilco show Lilac (and mommy and daddy too...hehe).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.